
Product Availability Policy

Here at Butler Lighting, we strive to provide you with the most accurate product data we have available.

Since the vendors, we work with report available stock in various ways and at different times during the day, real-time product availability data may be inaccurate. If for some reason your order is unable to be fulfilled, or the "Add To Cart" button is not available, a representative will happily check real-time stock and walk you through the next steps.

If you would like to have a representative verify real-time stock, please contact our Online Sales Department at (336)-412-2521 AND PRESS ONE or fill out the form below. Either filling out a form or pressing one will increase your chances of a timely response. Please make sure to note the product SKU you are interested in. We usually respond in less than 24 hours, often the same day of the request!

*** Update 1/2022: If you find that your item is on backorder or has any stated delay, we can place you in line to have the quantity needed to be allocated to you prior to the backorder date being met (like a reservation). You will be placed "in-line" to receive the item 3-5 business days from the stated backorder date. If you are unsure if an item is on backorder or is available, fill out a form or contact our Online Sales Department by pressing one! Failure to do either of these will cause a delay in our response.



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